Green Guard Movement Announces Sept. 1 Protest in Front of RTS To Support Arrested Activists | Beta Briefing

Green Guard Movement Announces Sept. 1 Protest in Front of RTS To Support Arrested Activists

Source: Beta
News / Politics | 29.08.24 | access_time 15:10

Seat of Serbian Broadcasting Corporation (RTS) in Belgrade (Photo: PrintScreen YouTube)

The Green Guard Movement has announced a protest rally dubbed Safety Is in Numbers in front of the Radio Television of Serbia (RTS) on Sept., as a symbol of support for all activists arrested in previous protests against lithium mining, for their suspected role in planning and fomenting "the violent collapse of constitutional order" and other serious crimes against safety and constitutional order.

The movement said on Aug. 29 that five of its activists had been arrested and that police had raided their apartments and seized their telephones and laptops.

"The repression against activists poses a threat to basic human and civil rights and comes from the same source that is threatening the environment in Serbia. The system is showing that it will punish any act of civil disobedience by unjustifiably charging people with serious crimes, unless we stop this," a statement said.

The statement said that the organization was organizing the protest in front of RTS's headquarters because the stations' obligation was to objectively inform citizens on matters which included the environment, threats to the environment, repression against activists as well as all aspects of plans to begin mining operations in Serbia which "it is not doing."

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