Kosovo Analyst: Kosovo Serbs In Same Position as Albanians Under Milosevic | Beta Briefing

Kosovo Analyst: Kosovo Serbs In Same Position as Albanians Under Milosevic

Source: Beta
News / Politics | 05.09.24 | access_time 16:05

Shkëlzen Mailiqi (Photo: Print Screen YouTube)

Analyst and publicist Shkëlzen Mailiqi said on Sept. 5 that without full and honest cooperation between the Kosovo and Serbian authorities it was impossible to guarantee safety and prosperity to Kosovo's Serbs.

He added that Serbs were now virtually in the same position as the Albanians were in Kosovo during Slobodan Milosevic. "[Serbian President Aleksandar] Vucic's biggest mistake is forcing the Serbs to hurry and leave the structure of the Kosovo system, in which they were after all a factor, decisions could not be brought without them when solving practical questions on the ground," Maliqi told Nedeljnik in an interview.

He went on to say that "the Serbs were left in an empty space where the only reliable guarantee was KFOR's presence, which, however, is a military not a police formation and intervenes only in extremely dangerous situations, which was abused by extremists when erecting barricades."

"The Kosovo Serbs are almost in the same position as we Albanians were in the 1990s when Milosevic imposed an apartheid system, only Serbian police and paramilitary groups were on the ground and we were protected by foreign diplomatic missions," Maliqi said.

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