Regime Claims Dialogue with Rio Tinto Not Staged | Beta Briefing

Regime Claims Dialogue with Rio Tinto Not Staged

Source: Beta
News / Politics | 10.09.24 | access_time 12:47

Assembly Speaker Ana Brnabic (Photo: Pedja Vuckovic)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic’s recent talk with the representatives of Rio Tinto, regarding the possible mining of Serbian lithium, was authentic and the company’s people answered the president’s questions “live, without any kind of staging or pretense,” Parliament Speaker Ana Brnabic said on Sept. 10.

“The hardest questions they were asked came from Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic – his questions were the ones that made the [representatives] of Rio Tinto truly sweat,” Brnabic told Happy TV.

According to her, “hundreds of millions of euros” have been invested in the campaign against lithium mining, a campaign she has dubbed “the spreading of misinformation and panic, aimed at destabilizing Serbia.”

The sit-down between Vucic and Rio Tinto was organized as part of the president’s days-long visit to Podrinje, i.e. the Drina river basin, where there are plans to open a lithium mine. The entire talk was broadcast on television live, for six uninterrupted hours.

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