Dacic Attends Joint Exercise by Serbian and Chinese Special Police Units in China | Beta Briefing

Dacic Attends Joint Exercise by Serbian and Chinese Special Police Units in China

Source: Beta
News / Politics | 11.09.24 | access_time 14:22

BETAPHOTO/Serbian Ministry of Interior

The Serbian interior minister, Ivica Dacic attended a final exercise by Serbian and Chinese  police units in Guangdong, the Ministry of the Interior reported on Sept. 11.

"Thirteen Serbian and 47 Chinese police officers participated in the exercise, which demonstrated their sniper skills, the use of police dogs, vehicle searches, searches for objects inside vehicles, and locating criminals. The exercise also showcased actions by riot control units, and their procedures during public order disturbances," the Ministry went on in a release.

Dacic also visited a tactical and technical exhibition of police equipment, and was given an opportunity to get acquainted with state-of-the-art tools used by the Chinese police in their operations. The interior minister also visited police officers who, together with their Chinese peers, participated in joint police patrols in China.

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