Vucic at U.N.: Everyone Talking About Ukraine, No One Dares Mention Serbia | Beta Briefing

Vucic at U.N.: Everyone Talking About Ukraine, No One Dares Mention Serbia

Source: Beta
News / Politics | 25.09.24 | access_time 13:47

Aleksandar Vucic, 79th session of the U.N. General Assembly, NYC, September 24 2024 (BETAPHOTO/United Nations Photo/Laura Jarriel)

In his Sept. 24 address before the United Nations General Assembly, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic stated that it is “blatant untruth” that Russia’s attack on Ukraine “opened Pandora’s box” in international relations and pointed out that this system began to crumble with Serbia in 1999.

“Today everyone is talking about Ukraine, while no one dares mention Serbia,” Vucic told the Assembly.

“From this pulpit, we’ve heard claims that the attack on Ukraine opened Pandora’s box, but that is a blatant untruth,” the president said.

Vucic went on to stress that Serbia supports the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine before asking: “When the great leaders here speak so passionately about freedom, why do they not offer the same vocal respect to [U.N.S.C.] Resolution 1244?”

After referencing the resolution that was supposed to bring peace to what was then the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia while maintaining its territorial integrity, Vucic stated that, in 1999, the West, “flushed with power, wreaked havoc on a small nation,” bombing Yugoslavia without the approval of the United Nations or “any of concern for international law they now tout.”

According to Vucic, foreign services first “tore apart” the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, then “went on to tear apart Serbia.”

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