North Macedonian PM Resigns Ahead of Parliamentary Elections | Beta Briefing

North Macedonian PM Resigns Ahead of Parliamentary Elections

Source: Beta
Archive / News | 25.01.24 | access_time 18:03

Dimitar Kovacevski (Photo: The Government of North Macedonia)

The prime minister of North Macedonia, Dimitar Kovacevski, handed in his resignation to the Sobranje (parliament) of North Macedonia on Jan. 25.

Kovacevski’s resignation is the first step in the forming of the transitional government to prepare and carry out the elections, which is to be appointed on Jan. 28, 100 days ahead of the parliamentary elections. According to the agreement between the two leading parties of the ruling coalition of the Social Democratic Union of Macedonia and the Democratic Union for Integration, Kovacevski will be succeeded as a transitional government PM by the current Sobranje speaker, Talat Xhaferi, of the Democratic Union for Integration.

Kovacevski stated he was certain that he would head the new government of North Macedonia. According to the agreement of parliamentary parties, the elections will be held on May 8, together with the possible run-off vote in the presidential election. The first round of the presidential vote will take place on April 24.

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