Skopje Purchasing Eight Italian Military Helicopters for USD230 Million | Beta Briefing

Skopje Purchasing Eight Italian Military Helicopters for USD230 Million

Source: Beta
News / Region | 14.03.24 | access_time 16:59

The downtown of Skopje (BetaPhoto/Svetlana Dojcinovic)

The North Macedonian Ministry of Defense announced on March 14 that eight Italian Leonardo Helicopters helicopters would be purchased for the army for EUR230 million.

At a press briefing, journalists were told that the helicopters would be paid for in four installments, the first of which would be disbursed this year and would equal 16 percent of the total value. North Macedonian Minister of Defense Slavjanka Petrovska, said that the helicopters were chosen in accordance with a long-term defense capability development plan for 2023-2032 and the North Macedonian army’s plans to renew air force components.

The first helicopter, the MIA news service said, will arrive in the second half of 2026 while all of the shipments will be completed by 2028. Petrovska stressed that the package included the training of pilots and technical staff, as well as access to a training simulator and that a hangar for housing the new helicopters would be secured.

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