Pulling a Rabbit Out of a Hat | Beta Briefing

Pulling a Rabbit Out of a Hat

Source: Beta
Archive / Analysis | 13.09.23 | access_time 22:34

Dusan Janjic (BetaPhoto/Media Center Belgrade)

A Feature Article by Dusan Janjic, Founder of the Forum for Ethnic Relations


Quite expectedly and unavoidably, the already clinched relations between Serbia and Kosovo entangled themselves into a knotted ball of propaganda and low politics in the second half of 2023. Pyrotechnics were used abundantly to fuel the fire in the process. The next meeting between Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti on Sept. 14 is very unlikely to skip the pattern. We are almost certain to witness a new political and marketing performance by the two leading players, both talkative, neither overly gentlemanly.

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