Six Years of Kosovo Serb Leader Oliver Ivanovic Murder Marked in Belgrade and North Mitrovica | Beta Briefing

Six Years of Kosovo Serb Leader Oliver Ivanovic Murder Marked in Belgrade and North Mitrovica

Source: Beta
Archive / News | 16.01.24 | access_time 16:46


Oliver Ivanovic, leader of civic initiative Serbia, Democracy, Justice, was shot dead from a moving car outside the initiative’s head office in North Mitrovica on Jan. 16, 2018. Representatives of the coalition Serbia Against Violence have said they will lay flowers at the murder location in North Mitrovica.

Democratic Party official Srdjan Milivojevic has told BETA that his party would again raise the issue of a Survey Committee at the Serbian Assembly, which should work on establishing facts and accountability aboutthis crime.  

People’s Movement of Serbia leader Miroslav Aleksic has said that Ivanovic posed a threat to the Serb Ticket party headed by Milan Radoicic, stressing that the Serbia’s regime have been protecting those who ordered Ivanovic’s murder. Speaking to TV Nova S, Aleksic said that it was “a political murder” which had been preceded by “a brutal campaign.”

Some opposition parties have said they will mark the anniversary of Ivanovic’s assassination later on Jan. 16, at a protest outside the Republic Electoral Commission’s building. Ivanovic’s friends and fellow party members lit candles at the murder location at 8:15 am when Ivanovic was gunned down six years ago.

A commemorative service was held at the Saint Sava Church in Belgrade, in attendance of Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic, Defense Minister Milos Vucevic, and Office for Kosovo and Metohija Head Petar Petkovic.

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