Ombudsman Announces Investigation into Police Conduct at Demonstrations | Beta Briefing

Ombudsman Announces Investigation into Police Conduct at Demonstrations

Source: Beta
Archive / News | 10.01.24 | access_time 11:41


Ombudsman Zoran Pasalic told the Jan. 10 issue of daily Danas that he would launch a probe into whether the rights of citizens protesting outside Belgrade City Hall on Dec. 24 were violated during an intervention by police officers whose faces were covered by ski masks, which prevented their identification.

Pasalic told the Danas newspaper that, as the ombudsman, he sent a recommendation to the Interior Ministry back on Feb. 5, 2021 that all police officers, when securing public gatherings, maintaining public order and peace and application of police authority on citizens, "have visible identification marks based on which they can be easily identified."

According to him, up until the last protest the police had "acted in line with that recommendation."

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