Manojlovic: This Is The Hardest Time for Entering Election Race | Beta Briefing

Manojlovic: This Is The Hardest Time for Entering Election Race

Source: Beta
News / Politics | 23.05.24 | access_time 15:32


Get Going for Change candidate for Belgrade mayor Savo Manojlovic said on May 23 that this was probably the hardest time to enter elections and stressed that he only believed in organized change, together with the people who supported him.

"Conversely, anyone's popularity sounds like some kind of puppet whose strings are being held where you fall under some center of power, whether an embassy, moguls, criminals... or you serve as 'Vanish' for some used up politicians," Manojlovic said in an interview with Nedeljnik.

"I said openly that I see change with the people who were with me when I could have been arrested during the blockades, when I was physically attacked by hooligans at the 'Serbia against Violence' protests, and when I defended the park in Banovo Brdo, and a million other situations," Manojlovic said adding that he had not wanted to enter elections earlier to utilize the popularity that he had at the time to become "someone who will be controlled by some center of power."

"On the other hand, we participated in every electoral process. During the last election we called for people to vote, we had observers, we tried to give our maximum contribution," Manojlovic said with regard to the activities of the movement that he heads.

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