Dacic at Salzburg Forum: Serbia Reliable Partner in Fight against Migrant Smuggling | Beta Briefing

Dacic at Salzburg Forum: Serbia Reliable Partner in Fight against Migrant Smuggling

Source: Beta
News / Politics | 26.06.24 | access_time 16:50


The deputy prime minister and interior minister of Serbia, Ivica Dacic, said in his June 26 address at the Salzburg Forum that Serbia was Europe’s reliable partner in the suppression of illegal migration and smuggling of migrants, and in the prevention of human trafficking, the Serbian Interior Ministry has stated.

Within the Salzburg Forum, Dacic took part in the working meeting about migrations and smuggling titled “Innovative solutions on joint strategies for tackling migration and the fight against migrant smuggling.”

The minister stated that challenges in the fight against human trafficking and migrant smuggling called for an increased engagement of available human and technical capacities of the Interior Ministry and that the use of modern material and technical assets was very useful in that work.

The participants of the Salzburg Forum discussed the common challenges and future regional cooperation in Central and South East Europe, as well as at EU level, in the fields of migration and security issues.

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