Belgrade City Assembly Adopts 2024 Budget | Beta Briefing

Belgrade City Assembly Adopts 2024 Budget

Source: Beta
News / Politics | 01.07.24 | access_time 15:38

Belgrade City Administration (BETAPHOTO/MILOS MISKOV/DS)

The Belgrade City Assembly adopted on July 1 the 2024 Budget worth RSD 173 billion with 60 votes in favor and 18 against it.

The Budget was supported by the "Aleksandar Vucic - Belgrade Tomorrow" coalition, while the People's Movement of Serbia, the Democratic Party, the Green-Left Front, the Free Citizens Movement, and We, Power of the People - Dr. Branimir Nestorovic voted against it. Members of Get Going for Change movement did not attend the July 1 session, as they had left the City Assembly after the verification of terms of office.

The Budget was presented by City Secretary for Finance Katarina Cubric , acting on behalf of Belgrade Mayor Aleksandar Sapic, who did not attend the session. Cubric stated that the budget included everything that had been initiated over the past six months, as well as expenditure projections until the end of the year, adding that a budget rebalancing act was expected in September.

"We have gone through a very difficult budget period of temporary financing, and after a more comprehensive quality analysis of the budget, based on the assessment of income and expenses, budget rebalancing will take place in September," Cubric explained.

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