Every City and Each Citizen Is Important to Serbia, PM Says in Novi Pazar | Beta Briefing

Every City and Each Citizen Is Important to Serbia, PM Says in Novi Pazar

Source: Beta
News / Politics | 03.09.24 | access_time 16:40


In Novi Pazar on Sept. 3, Serbian Prime Minister Milos Vucevic said that the joint visit to the southern Serbia’s city of the prime minister, Public Investment Minister Darko Glisic, Minister of Tourism and Youth Husein Memic, and representatives of the Serbian Orthodox Church and the Islamic Community of Serbia spoke best of the importance to Serbia of its every part and each citizen. 

After touring a new gym in a renovated local elementary school, Vucevic said that the state had been building “a lot” in Novi Pazar demonstrating that the city had not been left behind. According to him, the most important project is a hospital center in the city. 

Answering reporters’ questions, Vucevic confirmed that a spy working for Croatia had been arrested in Serbia. “Since they (Croatia) do not know who was arrested, I suggest they check who has not been reporting to them lately and that is how they will find out,” Vucevic said. 

The prime minister also confirmed that a search was ongoing in the area in the vicinity of Novi Pazar, where, as Pristina claims, were the bodies of ethnic Albanians killed in 1999, but added he had no information whether anything had been found.

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