French Embassy Awards Eight Cities, Municipalities in Serbia within Eco-municipality Contest | Beta Briefing

French Embassy Awards Eight Cities, Municipalities in Serbia within Eco-municipality Contest

Source: Beta
News / Politics | 19.09.24 | access_time 18:04

BETAPHOTO/French Embassy/Jovan Gojkovic

The Embassy of France in Belgrade issued awards on Sept. 19 to eight cities and municipalities in Serbia in the fields of sustainable waste management, sustainable water management, sustainable urban mobility and energy efficiency within the Eco-municipality contest, whose representatives will attend a study program in France in November.

Awards were also issued to two schools – the Gymnasium from Zajecar for the project “Chili” and the “Marshal Tito” elementary school from Kovacica, within the Green Schools contest category, the purpose of which is to develop the people’s ecological awareness by awarding and inciting good practice of students and teachers in Francophone and non-Francophone schools in Serbia.

In the category Sustainable Waste Management, the awards went to the municipality of Osecina and to Novi Sad, which was also awarded in the Energy Efficiency category, together with the Sokobanja municipality. In the Sustainable Urban Mobility category, the winners are Bajina Basta and Belgrade, while the Majdanpek municipality and the city of Leskovac received the award in the Sustainable Water Management category.

“Eco-municipality is much more than an ordinary contest – it is the pillar of Franco-Serbian cooperation in the field of sustainable development and environment protection,” stated the French ambassador in Belgrade, Pierre Cochard.

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