EEAS: Bosnia Must Adopt Three Reform Laws By March | Beta Briefing

EEAS: Bosnia Must Adopt Three Reform Laws By March

Source: Beta
News / Region | 07.02.24 | access_time 18:09

Sarajevo ( Photo: PrintScreen YouTube)

The general director for Europe of the European External Action Service (EEAS), Angelina Eichhorst, stated in Sarajevo on Feb. 7 that Bosnia and Herzegovina had to start the negotiations with FRONTEX and adopt three reform laws – on the prevention of money laundering, conflict of interest and courts, if it wanted to make progress towards the opening of EU membership negotiations.

“The March session of the European Council is extremely important for Bosnia and Herzegovina. Recently, (the president of the European Commission Ursula) von der Leyen visited Bosnia, wishing to see what has been done so that she could inform the heads of state,” Eichhorst told reporters in Sarajevo after the meeting with the political representatives of Western Balkan countries.

She added that the EU wanted to see progress regarding FRONTEX and the adoption of the law on prevention of money laundering and financing of terrorism, the law on conflicts of interest and the law on courts. Commenting on the security situation in the country, Eichhorst assessed that Bosnia was “a safe and secure environment,” primarily thanks to the presence of EUFOR.

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