Opposition Movement Get Going for Change Runs Independently in Belgrade’s Local Polls | Beta Briefing

Opposition Movement Get Going for Change Runs Independently in Belgrade’s Local Polls

Source: Beta
News / Region | 24.04.24 | access_time 16:16

Opposition Movement Get Going for Change (BETAPHOTO/MILOS MISKOV)

The Get Going for Change decided to run independently in Belgrade’s polls scheduled for June 2, the movement’s program director, Savo Manojlovic, announced on April 24, adding that he would be the movement’s candidate for Belgrade mayor as well.

According to Manojlovic, after most of the opposition parties rallied around the Serbia Against Violence coalition had decided to run for election, the idea of a boycott became meaningless. The organization will nominate its candidates under the ticket title “I, too, am Belgrade – Get Going for Change – Savo Manojlovic.”

The movement will reveal a decision as to whether they will run in local elections elsewhere in the next couple of days. The Ecological Uprising supported the decision of the Get Going for Change to participate in the local polls in the capital.

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