Vucic Facing Bigger Challenges than Before | Beta Briefing

Vucic Facing Bigger Challenges than Before

Source: Beta
Archive / Analysis | 17.01.24 | access_time 21:17

Christopher Hill, Aleksandar Vucic, Belgrade, Jan. 11 2024 (BETAPHOTO/MILAN OBRADOVIC)

The regime of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic is in 2024 facing bigger challenges in the relations with Western countries than in 2023. Multiple factors played a part in that, namely the armed clash in the northern Kosovo village of Banjska, serious irregularities in the December elections in Serbia, and Belgrade’s more noticeable flirting with Moscow in the post-election period. Vucic is responding to increased pressure from the West by sending messages to the domestic public – about the continuation of the “freedom-loving, independent” policy, the anti-Kosovo narrative and by giving more importance to Republika Srpska Day.

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