Commission: Journalists’ Safety Impossible without Cooperation with Institutions   | Beta Briefing

Commission: Journalists’ Safety Impossible without Cooperation with Institutions  

Source: Beta
Archive / News | 29.12.20 | access_time 17:10


Veran Matic, the chairman of the Commission for investigating into murders of journalists, said on Dec. 29 that it was easy for those standing on the side to criticize communication with the authorities and attempts to find ways to protect journalists and punish felonies, but it was the obligation of each journalist, particularly those at the helm of associations, to be utterly focused on every gesture contributing to the protection of journalists.  

Commenting on his participation in a new Working Group for journalists’ safety, which had held its first meeting with Prime Minister Ana Brnabic and Culture Minister Maja Gojkovic last week, Matic told BETA that the safety of journalists “is impossible to ensure without cooperation with relevant institutions.”

“Of course, not by taking over the jobs of the police or prosecutors, but it is important to exploit every opportunity that could contribute to building a safer environment for the work of journalists. Based on my experience from the work on the Commission for investigating into murders of journalists and the Standing working group for the safety of journalists, results are impossible to achieve without direct engagement,” Matic specified. 

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