Opposition: Citizens Will Make the Regime Repeat Belgrade Elections | Beta Briefing

Opposition: Citizens Will Make the Regime Repeat Belgrade Elections

Source: Beta
Archive / News | 22.08.23 | access_time 12:39

Marinika Tepic

Citizens of Belgrade and also of the entire Serbia would remind Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic of his promise to repeat elections in Belgrade, Freedom and Justice Party deputy leader Marinika Tepic said in a written statement on Aug. 22.

Tepic asked Vucic why he kept constantly appearing on TV channels with national frequency, if he was truly assured of people’s support to his Serbian Progressive Party.

“If Vucic is so great and convinced in citizens’ support to the Progressives, why he keeps constantly appearing on TV stations with nationwide coverage?! He appeared 35 times in the past 50 days, while at the same time, he does not allow opposition representatives to appear on TV. Why his regime 'imported' tens of thousands of votes from Republika Srpska prior to the elections by issuing Serbia’s citizenship in a fast-track procedure,” Tepic asked in the statement.

Tepic has recently said that the Progressives have already lost elections in Serbia’s capital, but that no one has informed the party about it. Commenting on the statement, Vucic has said that his approval rating has been again going up.

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