French Embassy in Pristina Considering Options for Returning Serb WW1 Memorial to Original Place | Beta Briefing

French Embassy in Pristina Considering Options for Returning Serb WW1 Memorial to Original Place

Source: Beta
Archive / News | 16.11.23 | access_time 12:18

Pristina (Photo: YTPrintScreen)

The French Embassy in Pristina announced in the evening of Nov. 15 that it will discuss with all stakeholders “the technical possibilities” for restoring the original placement of the Pristina cemetery monument to Serbian soldiers fallen in the Balkan Wars and First World War.

The embassies of Germany and France had previously admitted that the memorial – located in the military section of Pristina’s Orthodox Christian cemetery – was relocated at their initiative and replaced with a plaque commemorating French KFOR servicemen.

According to KoSSev, the French Embassy has since issued a statement on possibly restoring the monument’s original placement. “In the present circumstances and in the face of the emotions raised, the Embassy will consider, [and discuss] with all stakeholders, the technical possibilities for placing all the monuments in the cemetery’s military section as they initially stood while also including a new plaque commemorating the French soldiers who lost their lives while serving in KFOR,” the press release reads.

The Embassy further expressed its regret over the “debate” raised by “the reorganization of the monuments” and “called for respect of the memory of all soldiers fallen in battle during the First World War.”

The relocation of the Serb memorial was discovered via photographs of the French and German ambassadors to Pristina laying wreaths at the cemetery on Remembrance Day.

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