Giaufret Announces Cooperation with Any Gov't That Wants Serbia in the EU | Beta Briefing

Giaufret Announces Cooperation with Any Gov't That Wants Serbia in the EU

Source: Beta
Archive / News | 10.11.23 | access_time 11:42

Emanuele Giaufret speaking at the panel discussion “Thessaloniki Enthusiasm – 20 Years Later” (BETAPHOTO/MILAN OBRADOVIC)

The European Union will cooperate with any government in Serbia which considers membership in the Union a strategic goal, Head of the EU Delegation to Belgrade Emanuele Giaufret said on Nov. 10.

The matter of alignment with foreign policy is a problem - last year there was backsliding, while this year has brought no significant progress and Serbia has remained in the same position as last year, which is not good news, Giaufret told N1 TV. He said that the EU wanted to see Serbia as a devoted partner - hence its insistence on alignment - and that it was nothing new, but that Russia's aggression against Ukraine had made foreign policy even more important in the member countries.

He went on to say that he hoped the upcoming election campaign and the elections in Serbia would be fair and that they would take place with full respect and a debate on concrete topics, rather than with attacks on certain individuals.

Where the Serbian media laws are concerned, he said the EU could not dictate solutions, but would monitor their practical implementation.

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