Brnabic: It’s Not Normal To Have Germany Speak about Genocide | Beta Briefing

Brnabic: It’s Not Normal To Have Germany Speak about Genocide

Source: Beta
News / Politics | 22.05.24 | access_time 11:46

Assembly Speaker Ana Brnabic (Photo: Pedja Vuckovic)

Commenting on the information that the country which will present a draft Resolution on global commemoration of Srebrenica genocide before the UN General Assembly on May 23, would be Germany, Serbian parliament speaker Ana Brnabic on May 22 said it was a proof that the world had turned upside down and that “everything that used to be normal no longer is.”

“I cannot understand why Germany has been doing this, how this is possible at all? Is there anyone out there to think about what a slap in the face this is for the whole world and the entire human past,” Brnabic said in a program on TV Happy.

Speaking about the suffering and deaths of the Serbian people, she said that such resolution would “erase the 20th century, and write new history and establish a new world order based on lies and brutal disrespect of all victims and rules.”

Brnabic stressed that the resolution would “violate the Dayton Peace Accords and the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina,” describing the document as “an unprecedented scandal.”

“In the time when hotspots are emerging all across the globe, they are creating yet another one in the Balkans which is already a powder keg,” Brnabic said.

On May 23, the UN General Assembly is to take a vote on Draft resolution on International Day of Reflection and Commemoration of the 1995 Genocide in Srebrenica.

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