Serbian FM: Resolution on Srebrenica Will Have Extremely Negative Impacts on the Region | Beta Briefing

Serbian FM: Resolution on Srebrenica Will Have Extremely Negative Impacts on the Region

Source: Beta
News / Politics | 04.06.24 | access_time 12:49

Marko Djuric (Photo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

Serbian Foreign Minister Marko Djuric in Belgrade on June 4 criticized the adoption of the Resolution on Srebrenica by the UN General Assembly, saying that it “was not passed by consensus, but under political pressure” and would have extremely negative impacts on the region.

Addressing an international scientific conference titled “Squaring the Circle: Managing changes in modern international relations,” Djuric said that the adoption of the Resolution declaring July 11 to be “International Day of Reflection and Commemoration of the 1995 Genocide in Srebrenica,” represented “a step backwards in the reconciliation process.”

“Serbia respects all the war victims and all the victims of Srebrenica, but demands that they not be abused in political purposes which cause additional divisions in the region,” Djuric said on the Resolution which was backed by 84 out of 191 UN member states who had the right to vote.

Speaking about Serbia’s foreign policy, Djuric said that Belgrade’s strategy was to pursue its EU path, while maintaining friendly ties with other countries, including the US and Russia.

“My vision as foreign minister is to boost Serbia’s strategic path of joining the EU, while also strengthening cooperation with other countries in the world. To build new friendship, while not forgetting the old friends. To cherish relations with both, the US and Russia, and also to build relations with the African countries,” Djuric said.

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