TS: Officials Cannot Discriminate against Media | Beta Briefing

TS: Officials Cannot Discriminate against Media

Source: Beta
News / Politics | 04.07.24 | access_time 15:58

Transparency Serbia (BETAPHOTO/MILAN ILIC)

Transparency Serbia said on July 4 that it had handed the Ministry of Information and Telecommunications a proposal for supplementing a draft Media Strategy 2024-2025 Action Plan which, among other things, envisaged amendments to the law to prevent public officials from discriminating against the media.

The organization said that this, for example, applied to refusing to give a statement at a news conference, because existing rules were apparently insufficient. TS has also proposed supplementing the Law on Public Information and the Media with rules on public sector purchases of advertising services.

"The rules should stop the misspending of public resources for purchasing media influence and ensure that media outlets are chosen in a competition based on relevant criteria," TS said.

The amendments, it explained, are also urgently needed because often increased procurements of media services and the simultaneous lowering of spending on media competitions, leads to awarding money to media outlets that could not win in a contest due to violations of professional standards.

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