Famous Director: Popular Revolt Will Not End until the Regime Falls | Beta Briefing

Famous Director: Popular Revolt Will Not End until the Regime Falls

Source: Beta
News / Politics | 05.08.24 | access_time 11:07


The famous Serbian director Goran Markovic said on Aug. 4 that the popular revolt that erupted due to the announcement of mining in western Serbia "will not end until this terrible regime falls."

Markovic told BETA in an interview that the people of Serbia "will be done for" if they backed down now before "the unscrupulous interests of capital and this corrupt government." Asked for his thoughts on protests by citizens against the announced opening of a lithium mine in the Jadar valley, Markovic said people were finally exiting the tunnel that they had been pushed into by fear, fraud and constant deceit.

"Now, finally, when it is down to survival, the citizens are daring to look through their own eyes and realize that revolt is the only possible solution for us. It has happened before, but this time it is much more serious. This is about bare existence, and there is no more place for weighing. The revolt will not end until this terrible regime falls," he believes.

Commenting on the government's decision to re-activate the Jadar project after having canceled it in 2022, Markovic said extortion was behind the decision. "Big capital has asked for help from those who have [Serbian President Aleksandar] Vucic in their pocket and they are pressuring him. Who knows what they have on him -- this last election fraud wasn't their last ace in the hole, so he had to agree to the Jadar project for the sake of his survival in power. And power is everything to him, like the soil, air and water are to the people. This is high stakes poker," Markovic said.

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