Hundreds Protest against the Arrest of Five Serbs in Kosovo | Beta Briefing

Hundreds Protest against the Arrest of Five Serbs in Kosovo

Source: Beta
News / Politics | 05.08.24 | access_time 15:14

Protest in Pasjane, August 5 2024 (Photo:PrintScreen Kossev)

In the largest Serb village in Kosovo, Pasjane, a few hundred people protested against the recent arrest of five Serbs suspected for involvement in war crimes.

The protesters say that the Serbs were arrested without a court order, 25 years after the war, adding that none of them left Kosovo because they hadn’t committed any crime.

The protesting Serbs believe that the purpose of the arretss was to spread panic and force Serbs out of Kosovo.

They appealed to the European Union Rule of Law Mission (EULEX) and the Kosovo Force (KFOR) to carry out their mandate and suspend political trials against Serbs, requesting that the arrested Serbs be released.

The Basic Court in Pristina ordered one month of detention on remand for five Serbs, suspected of having committed a war crime on April 5, 1999.

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