Vucic: Relations Between Serbs in Serbia and Republika Srpska Never as Good, Wisely Arranged as Today | Beta Briefing

Vucic: Relations Between Serbs in Serbia and Republika Srpska Never as Good, Wisely Arranged as Today

Source: Beta
News / Politics | 02.09.24 | access_time 16:23


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Sept. 2 that relations between Serbs in Serbia and  Republika Srpska have never been as good, balanced and wisely arranged as today, promising additional investments in construction in the Bosnian Serb entity.

During the formal opening of the "Serbia" Health Center in Stanari, near Doboj, Vucic said that 11 years ago, he had made an agreement with the current president of Republika Srpska,  Milorad Dodik, that Srpska could not and would not go against Serbia, and that Serbia should not and would not do anything against the interests of Srpska.

"We have adhered to that agreement since, even if we don’t see eye to eye about everything, and whatever the circumstances may be," the president said, adding that Serbia will always be a guarantor of peace and respect for the Dayton Agreement, as well as of the survival and existence of Republika Srpska.

President Vucic also denied reports that during last week’s visit to Belgrade by French President Emmanuel Macron he had discussed with him the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina or the opening of talks on a possibility to reduce the influence of the Office of the High Representative (OHR) in Bosnia.

Vucic also said that Serbia "will never allow anyone to threaten the existence of the Serbian people, or their pogrom and persecution."

In response to a question about a warning by Sonja Biserko of the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights and Nenad Canak, former president of the League of Vojvodina’s Social Democrats to Kosovo's Prime Minister Albin Kurti that there’s a plan to relocate Serbs from Kosovo to Sandzak, Vucic said that the Serbs would remain in Kosovo and Metohija, and that it was “everything” he had to say “about that nonsense."

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