PM: Kurti is Showing Serbs They Can’t Stay in Kosovo | Beta Briefing

PM: Kurti is Showing Serbs They Can’t Stay in Kosovo

Source: Beta
News / Politics | 05.09.24 | access_time 12:40

Kosovska Mitrovica (BETAPHOTO/Armenija Zajmi Besevic)

On Sept. 5, Serbian Prime Minister Milos Vucevic said that Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti continues to pressure and terrorize local Serbs by shutting down Serb Institutions in northern Kosovo, thereby sending the message that Serbs cannot stay and survive there.

Speaking for K1 TV, Vucevic added that the situation in Kosovo is “quite grave” and that Serbia can choose between “entering into a conflict or fighting using political and diplomatic means.”

“They are waiting for Serbia to make a rash move. The other option for Serbia is the road or field of conflict, but we need to understand that that will involve not only Kosovo and Metohija but Serbia as a whole. In that case we won’t have a problem only with Kosovo forces, because KFOR, i.e. NATO, is there as well. We have to take the entire context into account,” Vucevic explained.

Kosovo Police shut down the facilities housing the remaining Serbian Government institutions in north Kosovo on Aug. 30, and have been blockading the buildings ever since.

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