Dacic: China Prepared to Take Over the Role of a Global Security Leader | Beta Briefing

Dacic: China Prepared to Take Over the Role of a Global Security Leader

Source: Beta
News / Politics | 09.09.24 | access_time 15:55

BETAPHOTO/Serbian Ministry of Interior

Speaking at the Global Forum on Public Security Cooperation in Lianyungang, Serbian Minister of the Interior Ivica Dacic said that the conference is a clear sign that China was ready to take on the role of one of the world's security leaders in the emerging multipolar world, the interior ministry quoted Dacic as saying on Sept. 9.

Dacic recalled that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping, signed a Joint Declaration to deepen and lift the level of the bilateral comprehensive strategic partnership during the Chinese president’s visit to Serbia last May. The document prescribes, among other things, Serbia's support for the Global Security Initiative.

Minister Dacic also mentioned that Serbia and China have signed several legal agreements in the field of public security between the two ministries, allowing for joint police patrols in tourist areas, numerous joint training sessions, and the exchange of experiences.

"We will continue to carry out joint projects with our Chinese friends, learning more about methods to improve security on high-speed railways and actively cooperate in combating transnational crime," Dacic stated.

According to him, the Serbian interior ministry recognized the importance of building a security corridor along the new Silk Road, as well as the significance of cooperation with the countries along the Belt and Road Initiative route.

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