Analyst: Kosovo Premier Treats Real Problems Unrealistically | Beta Briefing

Analyst: Kosovo Premier Treats Real Problems Unrealistically

Source: Beta
Archive / News | 09.12.21 | access_time 17:44


A political analyst from Pristina, Behlul Beqaj, stated on Dec. 9 that Kosovo Premier Albin Kurti was treating real problems in Kosovo in an unrealistic manner.

"For a while now, Kurti has been behaving unrealistically towards real problems. The fate of the European Union does not depend on us, but ours does on the EU. Therefore, it is not ours to lecture the EU bureaucrats about what is democratic interest and what is democracy, in a situation when, at the same time, intervention is sought in the management of trade unions in Kosovo, which were the right hand of great changes in the period when Self-Determination were the opposition," Beqaj said in a statement to the Pristina-based agency

Commenting on the forming of the Community of Serb Municipalities, Beqaj said that behavior towards that issue would have consequences, which could surface next year.

During the joint news conference in Brussels on Dec. 7, Kosovo Premier Albin Kurti and the EU high representative for foreign policy and security, Josep Borrell, expressed opposing views of the agreement on the forming of the community of majority-Serb municipalities in Kosovo.

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