Varhelyi: This Is a Critical Year for Serbia, No Time To Lose | Beta Briefing

Varhelyi: This Is a Critical Year for Serbia, No Time To Lose

Source: Beta
News / Politics | 14.05.24 | access_time 17:00


After meeting Serbian Prime Minister Milos Vucevic and members of his cabinet in Belgrade on May 14, EU Neighborhood and Enlargement Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi said that today’s key decisions “will shape the next five years.”

“This is a critical year. The next five years will be shaped upon today’s key decisions. No time to lose,” Varhelyi has written on his X account. He added that “we had a detailed discussion on outstanding issues of Reform Agenda which need to be finalized in the next days.”

“We also discussed the Growth Plan. The gas unbundling is the most urgent issue. It has significant implications to the future of the energy stability of Serbia,” said Varhelyi, who also met with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on May 13.

An agreement on grants for the second phase of program titled “Renewable Energy Sources – Biomass Market Development in Serbia,” was signed at the government building in presence of Vucevic and Varhelyi. This has been agreed between the Serbian government and German KfW Development Bank, worth a total of EUR9.9 million for the second phased on the Biomass project, which is worth a total of EUR32 million.

After a meeting with Serbian Foreign Minister Marko Djuric, Varhelyi wrote on his X that it was “a very constructive meeting,” and that “success of enlargement goes through the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue.” He is also scheduled to meet with Interior Minister Ivica Dacic.

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