Analyst: Opposition Groups That Decided to Enter Belgrade Election Made “Deeply Wrong” Choice | Beta Briefing

Analyst: Opposition Groups That Decided to Enter Belgrade Election Made “Deeply Wrong” Choice

Source: Beta
News / Politics | 17.05.24 | access_time 12:36

Djordje Vukadinović/Beta/Miloš Miškov

Djordje Vukadinovic, the editor-in-chief of the of the New Serbian Political Thought magazine, said on May 16 that the decision part of the opposition made to run in Belgrade’s Jun 2 local elections is “deeply wrong,” while the calls to revoke their tickets, made by Freedom and Justice Party head Dragan Djilas and Serbia Center leader Zdravko Ponos, are justified.

Speaking for the latest edition of the Danas daily, the political analyst expressed his belief that the decision to run in Belgrade was “made well in advance, perhaps even somewhere else.”

“All these manipulations with [signature collection] and phantom voter rolls should have been reason enough to boycott the election farce,” he said.

Several opposition tickets were rejected by the capital’s electoral commission this week, spurring multiple formal complaints. The latter were soon revoked, however, and most disputed tickets were subsequently approved.

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