Interior Minister Accuses Kosovo PM of Causing Humanitarian Disaster | Beta Briefing

Interior Minister Accuses Kosovo PM of Causing Humanitarian Disaster

Source: Beta
News / Politics | 21.05.24 | access_time 12:59


By sending police to the Kosovo branches of the Serbian Postanska Stedionica Bank, Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti has taken yet another step leading to a humanitarian crisis for local Serbs, making it apparent that this is his actual policy, Serbian Interior Minister Ivica Dacic said on May 21.

“In this escalation, [Kurti] has stepped in, jamming his foot through the door, and now that door cannot be closed, [nor] the foot removed. When the question of de-escalating is raised, no one mentions the fact that he used to be outside, but rather him being through the door is taken as a starting point,” Dacic told Pink TV.

The minister recalled that Serbia cannot intervene on the ground because, according to United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244, it no longer has a military or police presence in Kosovo. Instead, KFOR or EULEX should be reacting to threats against local Serbs.

“But they aren’t doing so,” Dacic concluded.

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