Serbian Interior Minister: Bosniak Politicians Competing in Quarreling with Serbia | Beta Briefing

Serbian Interior Minister: Bosniak Politicians Competing in Quarreling with Serbia

Source: Beta
News / Politics | 29.07.24 | access_time 14:02


Serbian Interior Minister Ivica Dacic on July 29 said that Bosniak politicians had been competing in arguing with Serbia, adding that Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Foreign Minister Elmedin Konakovic was no exception having said he would request suspension of the Agreement on police cooperation between the two countries.

“I do not know why this type of cooperation would bother anyone, unless their motive is to create an atmosphere of permanent instability and attacks on Serbia and seeking a reason to present Serbia as a country cherishing hegemonic aspirations,” Dacic told TV Pink.

Unless their motive, Dacic added, was to look for any sort of reason to cause tensions in relations with Serbia and to present everything done by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and coming from Serbia as an excuse to lash out at Serbia.

Dacic also said that the issues of the past should not be matters of daily debates, but that all should rather focus on important everyday life topics.

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