Freedom and Justice Party: Gov’t Selling off Most Valuable Natural Resources like Medvedja Mine | Beta Briefing

Freedom and Justice Party: Gov’t Selling off Most Valuable Natural Resources like Medvedja Mine

Source: Beta
News / Politics | 05.08.24 | access_time 19:50

The Party of Freedom and Justice

The Freedom and Justice Party on Aug. 5 accused the government in Serbia of continuing to sell off the most valuable natural resources under suspicious and corrupt circumstances, like the Lece mine in Medvedja, which has large deposits of lead, zinc, gold and silver. 

Party MPs Dusan Nikezic and Jelena Spiric sent the Serbian Economy Ministry questions about the sale of the mine and expect urgent answers. 

A press release issued by the party reads that the MPs asked for the public auction for the Lece mine, whose value is estimated at over EUR100 million, to be canceled. 

Nikezic and Spiric asked why the sale was scheduled for August, when vacation season is likely to result in low interest from potential investors, why the time frame for selling the mine was just 31 days, and why the price for the documentation was extraordinarily high -- as much as RSD129 million. 

The MPs also want the ministry to address how it was possible for the starting price of the mine to be just EUR35 million and if the Chinese Zijin would be favored in the sale of the mine, considering Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic's election promises about the company coming to Medvedja.

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