Person Arrested on Suspicion of Spying for Croatia | Beta Briefing

Person Arrested on Suspicion of Spying for Croatia

Source: Beta
News / Politics | 26.08.24 | access_time 15:19

Serbian Minister of the Interior Ivica Dacic confirmed on Aug. 26 that a person was arrested in the Belgrade city area on suspicion of spying for Croatia, but the Croatian Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated they had no knowledge of the incident.

Dacic told reporters at the Palace of Serbia in Belgrade that the arrest was conducted by the Security Information Agency (BIA), while the police "only provided logistical support."

The Vecernje Novosti newspaper reported that the national intelligence agency BIA carried out a counterintelligence operation in the Belgrade area early in the morning, apprehending "a Croatian spy" as a result.

"The action is the result of months of BIA’s operational work, and is a continuation of efforts to curb the espionage, destructive subversive activities by the Croatian Security and Intelligence Agency (SOA)," Novosti reported.

The Croatian foreign ministry said to BETA that Croatia had no knowledge of the arrest of the alleged Croatian spy in Serbia, "nor that such an event actually took place."

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