Serbia’s Pride Week Opens in Belgrade | Beta Briefing

Serbia’s Pride Week Opens in Belgrade

Source: Beta
News / Politics | 02.09.24 | access_time 12:11


Sept. 2 marked the beginning of this year’s pride week in Serbia, which opened in Belgrade under the motto ‘Pride Are People.’

Pride Week will last from Sept. 2 to Sept. 9 and consist of a number of cultural and educational events, including theatre plays, art exhibitions, discussions, debates, parties and community talks.

Scheduled for Sept. 7, the Pride March will start and end at the Manjez Park in downtown Belgrade, where a concert will take place following the procession.

Meanwhile, the Belgrade Pride organization has yet again requested that the authorities fulfill their seven demands, which have remained unchanged for years.

The two most basic requests, Belgrade Pride recalled, are the adoption of a same-sex unions bill, which for years the authorities have been saying would happen, as well as the passing of a bill on gender identity, necessary for improving the position and lives of transgender and intersex individuals, it was said.

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