People’s Party Leader: Rejecting Franco-German Plan a Post-Election Priority | Beta Briefing

People’s Party Leader: Rejecting Franco-German Plan a Post-Election Priority

Source: Beta
Archive / News | 06.12.23 | access_time 14:59

Vuk Jeremic (People's Party photo)

The leading candidate on the slate “People’s Party – Safe Choice, Serious People,” Vuk Jeremic, said on Dec. 6 that rejecting the Franco-German plan for Kosovo should be a priority after the elections in December.

Speaking about the upcoming polls on Dec. 17, Jeremic said in an interview with the Politika newspaper that for his party the election success did not depend on the number of votes his party might win, but rather whether after the elections circumstances would be in place to dismiss the Franco-German plan for the independence of Kosovo, which he described as “the most serious ultimatum Serbia has been presented with since 1999.”

“Those saying that for that Serbia might be exposed to international sanctions and a new visa regime, or that investors might go away, are wrong. Didn’t those same people tell us that something similar would happen unless Serbia introduced sanctions against Russia? I was saying then, and I’m saying now, it’s not happening,” Jeremic was explicit.

Speaking about a provisional government, he said that it could be a path to the liberation of media, and the beginning of change of government.

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